The Rules We Follow
On and Off the Field

Just like a sports team, a tech team needs guidelines to keep them on the right path.

These are the rules that guide our IT consultants.

Achieve Excellence

We Help
Our Clients
Achieve Excellence.

This Is Our Purpose.

We strive to deliver a service of excellence with high quality IT consultants, focused and dedicated to our clients’ growth.

We know that our clients’ success is our success.

We Want to Be in the First League of IT Consulting Firms

We Want to Be
in the First League
of IT Consulting Firms.

This Is Our Vision.

We are a Portuguese consulting firm with one clear goal: to conquer the podium of IT consulting firms.

We invest in our IT Consultants, making sure they add value to every project they work on.

The Right Tactics to Reach the Podium

These Are Our Values:


We value our team’s effort, and actively contribute to our IT consultants, clients, and partners’ success. We take care of each other. “Giving up” is not part of our lexicon.

We never throw in the towel.



We leave our pride behind us and acknowledge that we need each other to grow stronger. Teamwork is what makes us excel at what we do.

We pass the ball to the player that is better positioned to score.



We know that all of us have something to learn from each other, and we respect each other’s space. We accept our weaknesses, learn from our mistakes, and never underestimate our competition.

We grow side by side and accept each other.



We value honest and transparent communication between team members and clients. Knowing the line that separates personal life from professional life is key, and we assume the commitments we make as a team.

We have nothing to hide.



All IT Consultants should have the same opportunities to grow as professionals and as people. We accept each other’s differences and individuality, and that’s what makes us whole.

At Fyld we’re all the same.

This is the Fyld Technical Team

Catarina Almeida

Catarina Almeida

Head of Talent Acquisition

Catia Godinho

Cátia Godinho

Billing & Collection

Catia Teixeira

Cátia Teixeira

Business Unit Director

Daniela Vito

Daniela Vito

Talent Acquisition

Diogo Martinho

Business Manager

Filipa Sequeira

Filipa Sequeira


Filipe Almeida

Filipe Almeida

Business Unit Director

Goncalo Guerreiro

Gonçalo Guerreiro

Business Manager

Hugo Teles Pereira

Hugo Teles Pereira

Managing Partner

Joana Carvalho

Joana Carvalho

HR Business Partner

Joana Gonçalves

Business Manager

Joana Pinto

Joana Pinto

HR Administrative

Joana Trovao

Joana Trovão

Talent Acquisition

Luis Catarino

Luís Catarino

Office Manager

Mafalda Peixoto

Mafalda Peixoto

Business Manager

Marta Alves

Marta Alves

Business Manager

Ruben Cunha

Rúben Cunha

Business Manager

Samuel Rodrigues

Samuel Rodrigues

Talent Acquisition

Sara Espírito Santo

Talent Acquisition

Solange Lazaro

Solange Lázaro

Business Manager

Tiago Lopes


Yvonne Pacheco

Yvonne Pacheco

HR Training and Development

You are the Missing Piece
Join the Game!


Facts & Figures

Players in the field
Different countries
Female IT Consultants
0 %
Male IT Consultants
0 %
Is our age average